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Activate Your Life's Potential

Activate Your Life's Potential

Éditions Vie ( 04.06.2020 )

€ 28,90

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This is a first book in English by the author of six bestsellers. By using concrete examples, Marie-Paul Ross shows that, in all existence, regardless of the challenges we encounter, there is a voice that permits life and love to be triumphant. She writes: Every person is called to face challenges that will threaten their own being. (…) But every person has the possibility of seizing their own resurrection of which they carry and are called to live by throughout their existence. (…) We know that all too often death seems to overcome us, but by refering to my clinical experience, I can affirm that the potential for life is much more powerful. Each person has the need to activate their potential for transformation all while being loyal to their deep inner being who exists for life and love.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Marie-Paul Ross

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Psychologie Pratique

Mentions legales & Protection des donnees

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